5-22    Average Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector                
    Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Finance Real Social Health Education, Scientific Government Others
Year   Forestry, Quarrying   and Supply of   Prospecting Storage, and Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture and Research Agencies,
  Total Animal     Electricity   and Water Post & Trade Insurance     Sports & Arts, Radio, and Party
    Husbandry     Gas and   Conservancy Telecommu- & Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic Agencies
Region   and Fishery     Water     nication Services       Welfare Television Services and  Social
                Services               Organizations
1978 615 470 676 597 850 714 708 694 551 610 548 392 573 545 669 655         
1980 762 616 854 752 1035 855 895 832 692 720 694 475 718 700 851 800         
1985 1148 878 1324 1112 1239 1362 1406 1275 1007 1154 1028 777 1124 1166 1272 1127         
1990 2140 1541 2718 2073 2656 2384 2465 2426 1818 2097 2243 2170 2209 2117 2403 2113         
1991 2340 1652 2942 2289 2922 2649 2707 2686 1981 2255 2507 2431 2370 2243 2573 2275         
1992 2711 1828 3209 2635 3392 3066 3222 3114 2204 2829 3106 2844 2812 2715 3115 2768         
1993 3371 2042 3711 3348 4319 3779 3717 4273 2679 3740 4320 3588 3413 3278 3904 3505 3371
1994 4538 2819 4679 4283 6155 4894 5450 5690 3537 6712 6288 5026 5126 4923 6162 4962 5213
1995 5500 3522 5757 5169 7843 5785 5962 6948 4248 7376 7330 5982 5860 5435 6846 5526 6295
1996 6210 4050 6482 5642 8816 6249 6581 7870 4661 8406 8337 6778 6790 6144 8048 6340 7184
1997 6470 4311 6833 5933 9649 6655 7160 8600 4845 9734 9190 7553 7599 6759 9049 6981 6838
1998 7479 4528 7242 7064 10478 7456 7951 9808 5865 10633 10302 8333 8493 7474 10241 7773 8481
1999 8346 4832 7521 7794 11513 7982 8821 10991 6417 12046 11505 9263 9664 8510 11601 8978 10068
2000 9371 5184 8340 8750 12830 8735 9622 12319 7190 13478 12616 10339 10930 9482 13620 10043 11098
2001 10870 5741 9586 9774 14590 9484 10957 14167 8192 16277 14096 11869 12933 11452 16437 12142 12590
  Beijing        19155 13290 14642 16571 25221 13840 20248 22571 16632 37910 21194 19557 25961 22507 24551 22292 18030
  Tianjin        14308 10339 19219 12401 18298 13879 17281 20107 11769 18804 14739 12824 16665 15333 16712 16552 10232
  Hebei          8730 4279 10573 7745 13751 7292 10861 11351 5411 11978 9582 9195 9744 8791 12809 9733 8659
  Shanxi         8122 6186 8727 6962 9893 7132 8108 11917 4663 10457 7992 6208 8606 9262 10789 8986 7535
  Inner Mongolia 8250 5289 6693 6733 13619 6313 8621 11264 5382 10938 9245 7077 9959 9680 10256 10302 10627
  Liaoning       10145 4712 9763 9375 14388 8539 10546 13267 7980 15349 11186 9399 11308 10798 14096 12345 9768
  Jilin          8771 4417 7250 8932 12224 6994 7085 9834 5665 11907 10159 9164 9717 10200 12177 10286 10227
  Heilongjiang   8910 5323 7321 8255 13276 7403 13323 11997 7215 14893 9924 8419 10407 11070 11786 11388 7699
  Shanghai       21781 14204 17578 20406 27468 19244 20973 28741 18348 35051 25338 16778 23733 22574 23959 25247 24389
  Jiangsu        11842 6557 11381 10125 19569 10381 11261 14096 8324 17280 15032 12670 14639 13408 19326 16451 13341
  Zhejiang       16385 14110 11627 12060 24339 13150 17255 20644 14004 21626 18513 14566 21734 19107 21914 21662 16730
  Anhui          7908 5239 9525 7202 10639 6784 7879 8597 4725 10290 8321 7202 9075 8624 11117 9798 9392
  Fujian         12013 6891 8348 10252 16335 11378 11297 17281 10416 20198 14617 11674 14409 12912 17509 13669 15147
  Jiangxi        8026 4352 7103 6982 9209 7673 8881 11372 5492 11513 8444 7507 10048 8766 10099 9492 8255
  Shandong       10008 8086 14069 7881 14487 8351 10428 14234 6139 14294 11982 9865 12733 11028 14626 11260 9550
  Henan          7916 5275 9041 6664 10892 7033 12423 10567 5239 11261 7706 7858 9290 8204 11291 8912 9022
  Hubei          8619 4463 10608 7996 11714 8726 8173 10587 6313 11251 10192 8133 9406 9712 12430 10249 9180
  Hunan          9623 5564 7670 8743 12468 8498 8212 11934 7790 14346 9682 9006 11705 10434 12748 9847 10267
  Guangdong      15682 7157 9206 13512 20566 12207 12031 22454 13281 24573 19691 17769 18556 15497 24997 18138 15660
  Guangxi        9075 5690 7273 8698 13214 8209 7708 12596 6156 12305 9520 8677 10818 8572 11741 10445 10137
  Hainan         8321 3553 7112 8709 12737 7632 9276 15518 6762 16032 11143 8964 12344 10618 9599 11576 9890
  Chongqing      9523 7085 7597 8870 12438 8648 11311 10218 6985 15006 9679 8550 10928 9923 11360 11064 10755
  Sichuan        9934 7373 7753 8892 12039 8355 13601 12340 6883 15567 10671 9456 11657 9998 15974 11564 12607
  Guizhou        8991 7530 8490 8541 14385 7811 8345 11581 5782 12122 7719 8556 9990 9248 13100 9261 8825
  Yunnan         10537 7135 8901 10867 14179 9100 10231 12225 9184 11941 10988 8951 11804 11005 12806 11089 13055
  Tibet          19144 16190 10593 9745 12574 8641 23036 19460 13069 28274 13261 12075 22757 21105 20100 21835 7968
  Shaanxi        9120 6883 9384 8242 12871 7714 9756 12664 5787 11942 9058 8392 9573 9744 13367 9190 7511
  Gansu          9949 7817 9775 9140 13903 7969 10423 12636 5859 11841 10123 8366 11335 10898 12366 11523 10299
  Qinghai        12906 9897 12029 9685 19073 8182 21198 16068 6698 16230 9759 8692 15066 14572 16557 14774 13178
  Ningxia        10442 6227 11461 8686 17184 9225 10374 14751 7031 14895 9628 8391 12097 11942 13030 11319 11760
  Xinjiang       10278 5549 15168 9846 14321 10869 10575 15073 9832 16607 11685 9526 12789 12589 14084 12886 11592