3-23    Balance of Payments (2001)
      (USD 1000)
Item Balance Credit Debit
  Current Account                               17405275 317924465 300519190
  Goods and Service 28086220 299410173 271323953
      Goods 34017234 266075039 232057805
      Service                                       -5931014 33335135 39266148
         Transportation                              -6689078 4635059 11324137
         Tourism                                     3883174 17792000 13908826
         Communication Service                       -54858 271121 325979
         Construction Service                        -16815 830194 847009
         Insurance Service                           -2483687 227327 2711014
         Financial Service                           21662 99076 77414
         Computer and Information Service            116752 461458 344706
         Fee for Patent or Royalty                -1827964 110096 1938060
         Consultation                                -612844 889273 1502117
         Advertisement and Publicity                 19228 277288 258060
         Movies and Audio-video Products             -22324 27895 50220
         Other Commercial Service                    1538181 7281751 5743570
         Government Service not Elsewhere Classified 197558 432596 235038
  Income and Profit                             -19173258 9389580 28562839
      Compensation of Staff and Workers           -554145 297490 851635
      Profit from Investment                      -18619114 9092090 27711204
  Current Transfer                              8492313 9124711 632398
      Governments                                 -66628 138044 204672
      Other Departments                           8558941 8986667 427726
  Capital and Finance Account                   34775427 99531135 64755708
  Capital Account                             -53540 0 53540
  Financial Account                           34828966 99531135 64702169
      Direct Investments                          37355893 47052421 9696528
          Chinese Direct Investments Abroad         -6885398 206421 7091819
          Foreign Direct Investments in China       44241291 46846000 2604709
      Securities                                  -19405929 2403858 21809788
          Assets                                    -20654278 69208 20723487
              Capital Stock 31586 31586 0
              Liability Stock -20685864 37622 20723487
                 (Metaphase) Long-term Bonds -5588004 37622 5625627
                  Money Market Tools -15097860 0 15097860
          Liabilities 1248349 2334650 1086301
              Capital Stock 849000 849000 0
              Liability Stock 399349 1485650 1086301
                 (Metaphase) Long-term Bonds 399349 1485650 1086301
                  Money Market Tools 0 0 0
      Other Investments                           16879003 50074856 33195853
          Assets                                    20812758 33667201 12854442
              Trade Credit                            702329 702329 0
                  Long Term 0 0 0
                  Short Term 702329 702329 0
              Loans 15313555 15736290 422735
                  Long Term -177000 0 177000
                  Short Term 15490555 15736290 245735
              Currencies and Deposits                 -3213816 301162 3514978
              Other Assets                            8010691 16927419 8916729
                  Long Term -5387298 0 5387298
                  Short Term 13397988 16927419 3529431
          Liabilities -3933756 16407655 20341411
              Trade Credit                            -2441935 0 2441935
                  Long Term 0 0 0
                  Short Term -2441935 0 2441935
              Loans -1490082 10304541 11794623
                  Long Term -1198193 7127414 8325607
                  Short Term -291889 3177127 3469016
              Currencies and Deposits                 492185 567279 75093
              Other Liabilities                       -493923 5535836 6029759
                  Long Term -1105948 3797609 4903557
                  Short Term 612025 1738227 1126202
  Reserve Assets -47325130 0 47325130
      Gold Reserves                               0 0 0
      SDR (Special Drawing Rights)                -51830 0 51830
      China's Reserve in IMF (International Monetary Fund)     -682259 0 682259
      Foreign Exchange                            -46591040 0 46591040
      Other Creditor's rights 0 0 0
  Net Error and Omission                        -4855572 0 4855572
a) Trade data in the table are from customs statistics.
b) Credit data on direct investment in the table are from statistics and from "Approved Leasing of Land" in indirect reporting, both collected by the
    Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and debit data are from indirect reporting.
c) Other data in the table are from indirect reporting.