2-5    Indicators on Proportions and Efficiency in National Economic                                
and Social Development  
Item 1985 1990 1995 2001  
  Population and Employment    
      Birth Rate                                             (°) 21.04 21.06 17.12 13.38  
      Death Rate                                           (°) 6.78 6.67 6.57 6.43  
      Natural Growth Rate                            (°) 14.26 14.39 10.55 6.95  
      Dependency Ratio 1.12 0.79 0.78 0.75  
      Employment Ratio by Type of Industry      
                     (Employment in primary industry=100)      
          Primary Industry 100 100 100 100  
          Secondary Industry 33.5 35.5 44.1 44.6  
          Tertiary Industry 26.8 30.8 47.5 55.4  
      Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas            (%) 1.8 2.5 2.9 3.6  
  Macro Economy      
  National Accounting      
      Ratio of Value-added by Type of Industry      
                    (Value added in primary industry=100)      
          Primary Industry 100 100 100 100  
          Secondary Industry 152.1 153.8 238.0 335.9  
          Tertiary Industry 100.6 115.9 149.6 220.8  
      Overall Labor Productivity            (yuan/person) 1828 2865 8630 13222  
          Primary Industry 820 1289 3324 4027  
          Secondary Industry 3872 5570 18431 30194  
          Tertiary Industry 3176 4853 11080 16107  
      Per Capita GDP                               (yuan) 855 1634 4854 7543  
  Investment in Fixed Assets      
      Proportion of Investment in fixed Assets to      
        GDP                                          (%) 20.2 24.4 34.2 38.8  
      Rate of Total Floor Space of Buildings 82.0 78.6 67.7 66.1  
        Completed in Construction                    (%)      
      Rate of Fixed Assets Completed in Capital 68.2 80.0 63.7 68.2  
        Construction and Put into Use                (%)      
      Rate of Projects Completed in Capital 50.7 53.8 57.0 55.9  
        Construction and Put into Use                (%)      
  Proportion of Government Revenue to GDP (%) 22.4 15.8 10.7 17.1  
  Proportion of Government Expenditures to    
    GDP                                                         (%) 22.4 16.6 11.7 19.7
  Proportion of Local Government Revenue to 160.5 196.0 91.7 90.9
    Central Government Revenue                   (%)    
  Proportion of Local Government Expenditure 152 207 242 228
    to Central Government Expenditure         (%)    
  Proportion of Extra-budgetary Receipt to    
    Government Revenue                               (%) 76.3 92.2 38.6 28.6
  Utilization of Foreign Capital    
      Proportion of Foreign Capital Actually Used to     
       Total Amount of Foreign Capital for Utilization 45.2 85.1 46.6 69.0
        by Signed Contracts or Agreements (%)    
  Production and Consumption of Energy    
      Elasticity Ratio of Energy Production 0.73 0.58 0.83 1.78
      Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption 0.60 0.47 0.66 0.18
      Energy Consumption per 10 000 yuan GDP(ton) 8.6 5.2 2.2 1.4
      Per Capita Cultivated Land                 (hectare) 0.09 0.08 0.08  
      Cultivated Land per Agricultural Laborer(hectare) 0.33 0.29 0.29  
      Total Power of Agricultural Machinery per 2.1 3.0 3.8  
        Hectare of Cultivated Land                    (kw)  
      Electric Power Consumption per hectare of 510 883 1743  
        Cultivated Land                              (kwh)  
      Chemical Fertilizer Consumption per Hectare 178 271 378  
        of Cultivated Land                            (kg)  
      Agricultural Output Value per Hectare of 2510 5178 12514  
        Cultivated Land                             (yuan)  
      Output of per Agricultural Labour Force (kg)  
          Grain 1221 1325 1435 1387
          Cotton 13.4 13.4 14.7 16.3
          Oil-bearing Crops 50.8 47.9 69.2 87.8
          Pork, Beef and Mutton   154.0
          Aquatic Products 22.7 36.7 77.4 134.3
      Output of Farm Crops per Hectare of Sown    
        Area                                          (kg)    
          Grain 3483 3933 4240 4267
          Cotton 810 810 879 1107
          Oil-bearing Crops 1338 1480 1572 1958
  Economic Efficiency of  Industry    
      Ratio of Total Assets to Industrial Output Value (%)   9.19 8.91
      Assets-Liability  Ratio                          (%)   65.31 58.97
      Ratio of Profits to Industrial Cost              (%)   3.21 5.35
      Number of Times of Annual of Turnover   1.58 1.66
        Circulating Funds                     (times/year)    
      Overall Labor Productivity        (yuan/person-year)    
  (in terms of value-addedper employee)   18477 52062
      Value of Machinery per Laborer         (yuan/person)   2467 4264 7136
      Ratio of Per-tax Profits to Gross Output Value  (%)   5.4 4.2 5.2
      Overall Labor Productivity             (yuan/person)    
  (in terms of gross output value per employee)   13109 38680 67275
      Elasticity of Passenger Traffic 1.26       - 0.69 0.51
      Elasticity of Freight Traffic 0.3       - 0.44 0.43
      Railway Density                     (km/10000 sq.km) 57.3 60.2 62.2 73.0
      Highway Density                     (km/10000 sq.km) 982 1071 1205 1769
      Railway Freight Traffic Density             (ton/km) 23765 26069 27781 27489
      Highway Freight Traffic Density             (ton/km) 5709 7041 8128 6221
      Cargo Handled at Seaports per Berth (10 000 tons)  
  84 50 63 99
  Post and Communication Services    
      Elasticity of Postal and Telecommunications Services 1.35 33.15 4.16 3.78
      Access to Telephones, National(include mobilphone) 0.6 1.1 4.7 25.9
  (set/100 persons)    
      Access to Mobilphones  (set/100 persons)   0.3 11.4
  Domestic Trade    
      Per Capita Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (yuan) 17681 25852 50213 79795
  Foreign Trade    
      Proportion of Total Imports & Exports to    
        GDP                                           (%) 23.1 30.0 40.2 44.0
  International Tourism    
      Expenditure per International Tourist in 70 81 188 200
        China                                        (USD)  
  Finance and Insurance  
      Bank Deposits as Percentage of GDP               (%)  
    92.1 149.7
      Bank Loans as Percentage of GDP                  (%)  
    86.4 117.1
      Proportion of Cash Outlay to Cash Receipt  
        in Bank                                                          (%)     100.6 100.3
  Education, Science and Technology and Culture  
      Rate of School-age Children Enrollment           (%) 96.0 97.8 98.5 99.1
      Rate of Graduates of Primary Schools 68.4 74.6 90.8 95.5
        Entering Junior Secondary Schools              (%)    
      Rate of Graduates of Junior Secondary 41.7 40.6 48.3 52.9
        Schools Entering Senior Secondary Schools      (%)  
      Student-teacher Ratio(in percentage)             (%)  
          Colleges and Universities 5.0 5.2 7.2 13.5
          Secondary Schools 17.2 14.6 15.9 18.5
          Primary Schools 24.9 21.9 23.3 21.6
  Science and Technology  
      R&D Expenditures as Percentage of GDP         (%)  
    0.71 0.60 1.09
  Culture                                                          (unit)  
      Number of Troupes per Million Persons 3.13 2.45 2.21 2.04
      Number of Public Libraries per Million Persons 2.21 2.21 2.16 2.11
      Number of Museums per Million Persons 0.67 0.89 0.99 1.14
  Family, People's Livelihood and Environment  
      Dependency Ratio of Children                     (%) 54.6* 41.5 39.7 32.0
      Dependency Ratio of the Aged                     (%) 8.0* 8.3 9.2 10.1
  Marriages and Divorces  
      Divorce Rate                                     (°) 0.95 1.41 1.75 1.97
  People's Livelihood  
      Proportion of Growth Rate of Annual Income of 0.36 0.46 0.67 0.78
        Urban Residents to the  Growth Rate of Annual  
        Net Income of Rural Residents            (1978=100)  
      Pensions for Retired Veterans, Retired and Resigned  10.5 13.4 16.1 26.0
        Persons as Percentage of Total Wages           (%)  
      Proportion of the Number of Workers Who Have 13.2 16.4 20.8 37.2
        Retired or Resigned to the Number of  
        Employed Ones                                  (%)  
  Health Care  
      Number of Hospitals per 10 000 Persons         (unit) 0.56 0.55 0.56 0.51
      Number of Doctors per 10 000 Persons           (person) 13.3 15.4 15.8 16.9
      Number of Hospital Beds per 10 000 Persons     (unit) 21.1 23.0 23.4 23.9
      Utilization Rate of Hospital Beds                (%) 82.7 80.9 66.9 61.3
  City Construction  
      Percentage of Households with Access to Tap Water(%) 81.0 89.2 93.0 72.3
      Percentage of Households with Access to Tap Gas  (%) 22.4 42.2 70.0 60.4
      Public Green Areas per 10 000 Persons(hectare) 13.7 32.2 36.7 38.6
  Environment and Disasters  
      Average Loss of per Fire Disaster              (yuan) 8121 8932 29022 6473
      Average Loss of per Traffic Accident           (yuan) 676 1413 5601 4090
      Average Loss per Pollution Accident            (yuan)  
    50549 66625
a) Figures of dependency ratio of children and the aged with (*) were data in 1982.  
b) Since 1993, data on extrabudgetary receipt excluded the revenue of state-owned enterprises and their responsible departments.  
c) Data on the public utilities of city are based on the non-agricultural population in urban areas, but based on the total population in 2001.