D-Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Total Population refers to the total number of people alive at a certain point of time within a given area.

The annual statistics on total population is taken at midnight, the 3lst of December not including residents in Taiwan province, Chinese compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao and overseas Chinese.

Urban Population and Rural Population There are two definitions. The first definition (according to the administrative organizational system):

     City population: Total population under the jurisdiction of city (including population of the town under the jurisdiction of city. excluding the population of counties under the jurisdiction of city).

     Town population: Total population of town under the jurisdiction of county (excluding the population of town under the jurisdiction of city).

     County population: Total population of country under the jurisdiction of county).     The second definition (classified by the permanent population):

     City population: Total population of districts under the jurisdiction of city with district establishment and the population of street under the jurisdiction of city without district establishment.

     Town population: Total resident-committees population of towns under the jurisdiction of city without district establishment and the resident-committees population of towns under the jurisdiction of county.

     County population: Total population except city population and town population.

     Data from 1952 to 1980 are the figures according to the first definition. Data since 1982 are the figure according to the second definition.

Birth Rate or (Crude Birth Rate) refers to the ratio of the number of births to the average population during a certain period of time(usually a year) which is often expressed in. The following formula is used:

Number of Births  Average/ Number of Population

Number of births refers to live births i.e. the births when babies had showed any vital phenomena regardless of the length of pregnancy.

Annual Average Number of Population is the average of the number of population at the beginning of the year and that at the end of the year. Sometimes it is substituted for with the mid year population.

Death Rate(or Crude Death Rate) refers to the ratio of the number of deaths to the average population (or mid year population) during a certain period of time (usually a year) which is often expressed in. The following formula is used:

Death Rate umber of Deaths

            Number of Deaths/ Annual Average Number of Population

Natural Growth Rate of Population refers to the ratio of natural increase in population(number of births minus number of deaths)in a certain period of time(usually a year)to the average population(or mid year population)of the same period which is often expressed in. The following formulas are applied:

Natural Growth of Population

       Number of Births-Number of Deaths / Average Number of Population

Natural Growth Rate of Population=Birth Rate-Death Rate

Employed Population refers to population aged 15 or over engaging in social labour which generates income.

Unemployed Population refers to population aged 15 or over not engaging in any social labour which generates income,  including students enrolled in schools, house wives  students waiting for entering schools with higher level, urban job seekers, retirees,  job quitters,  disabled, etc.

Total Dependency Ratio refers to the ratio of number of dependents to the total population aged 15-64,the number of dependents being population aged 0-14 and population aged 65 and over. The total dependency ratio is calculated as follows:

Total Dependency Ratio=Number of dependents/ Population aged 15-64

The Aged Dependency Ratio refers to the ratio of the number of the aged population to the total  population  aged 15-64, the  aged  being population aged 65 and over. The aged dependency ratio is calculated as follows:

The Aged Dependency Ratio=Number of the aged population/ Population aged 15-64

The Juvenile and Children Dependency Ratio refers to the ratio of the number of the juvenile and children to the total  population  aged  15-64, the juvenile and children being population aged 0-14. The juvenile and children dependency ratio is calculated as follows:

The Juvenile and Children Dependency Ratio=Number of juvenile and children /Population aged 15-64