Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery refers to the total volume of products of farmingforestryanimal husbandry and fishery in value terms, which reflects the total scale and total result of agricultural production during a given period of timeGross output value of agriculture is obtained by first multiplying the output of each product or byproduct by its priceresulting in the output value of each single itemFor a small number of productsannual output of which is not available or difficult to get due to the long production/rowing process involvedthe output value is estimated through an indirect approachThe sum of output value of all products of farmingforestryanimal husbandryand fishery is then equal to the gross output value of agriculturePrior to 1957Chinas gross agricultural output value included barnyard manure and handicraft products for selfconsumption (Clothesshoesstockingsand initial grain processing undertaken by peasants).Since 1958cutting and felling of bamboo and trees by villages and other cooperative organizations under villages have been included in forestryvalue of barnyard manure has been excluded from animal husbandryselfconsumed handicrafts has been excluded from sideline occupationswhile the output value of industries run by villages and cooperative organizations under village had been  included in sideline occupations and the output value of fish catches by motor fishing boats has been added to fisherySince 1980the value of handicraft products made for sale by individuals in households had been added to sideline occupations Since 1984industries run by villages and cooperative organizations under villages have been included in the sector of industrySince 1993the subdivision of sideline occupations has been canceled and the hunting of wild animals has been classified into animal husbandryand the gathering of wild plants and commodity industry run by rural household have been included in farming

Grain Yield refers to the yield in the whole country including grains produced by state farms, collective units, industrial enterprises and minesGrain includes ricewheatcornsorghummillet and other miscellaneous grains as well as tubers and beansOutput of beans refers to dry beans without pods. The output of tuberssweet potatoes and potatoesnot including taros and cassava was converted into that of grain at the ratio 41i.e. four kilograms of fresh tubers was equivalent to one kilogram of grain up to 1963Since 1964 the ratio for conversion has been 51. Tubers supplied as vegetablessuch as potatoes in cities and suburbs are calculated as fresh vegetables and their output is not included in the output of grain. Output of all other grains refers to husked grain.

Yield of Oil-bearing Crops refers to the total yield of oilbearing crops of various kindsincluding peanuts, (dry, in shell) rapeseedssesamesunflower seedsflax seedsand other oilbearing cropsSoybeansoil-bearing woody plantsand wild oil-bearing crops are not included.

Output of Aquatic Products refers to catches of both artificially cultured and naturally grown aquatic products, including fishshrimpscrabs and shellfish in sea and inland water as well as seaweed. Freshwater plants are not included.

Output of PorkBeefand Mutton refers to the meat of slaughtered hogscattlesheep and goats with headfeet, and offal taken away

Number of Livestock or Poultry in Stock at Beginning (or End) of Reference Period refers to the total number of large animalspigssheepfowlsetcraised by rural cooperative organizationsstate farmsrural individualsgovernment agenciesschoolsindustrial and mining enterprisesarmyand urban residents at the beginning (or end) of the reference period.

Cultivated Area (Area under cultivation) refers to farmland which is plowed constantly for growing cropsincluding cultivated landnewly cultivated land in the current yearfarmland left without cultivation for less than three years and fallow land in the current yearrotation landrotation land of grass and cropsfarmland with some fruit treesmulberry trees and other trees and cultivated seashore landlake landand etc The land of mulberry fieldstea plantationsorchards, nurseries of young plants, forest land, reed land, natural and man-made grassland and other land are not included in cultivated land.

Sown Area of Crops refers to area of land sown or transplanted with crops regardless of being in cultivated area or noncultivated area. Area of land re-sown due to natural disasters is also included.

Irrigated Area refers to areas that are effectively irrigatedi.e. level land which has water source and complete sets of irrigation facilities to lift and move adequate water for irrigation purpose under normal conditions.

Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers in Agriculture refers to the quantity of chemical fertilizers applied in agriculture in the yearincluding nitrogenous fertilizerphosphate fertilizerpotash fertilizerand compound fertilizerThe consumption of chemical fertilizers is required in calculation to convert the gross weight into weight containing 100% effective component (e.g. 100% nitrogen content in nitrogenous fertilizer, 100% phosphorous pentoxide contents in phosphate fertilizer, 100% potassium oxide contents in potash fertilizer). Compound fertilizer is converted with its major component.

Total Power of Farm Machinery refers to total mechanical power of machinery used in farmingforestryanimal husbandry, and fisheryincluding ploughingirrigation and drainageharvesting, transportplant protectionstock breedingforestry and fishery. The power of internal combustion engines is required to convert horsepower into watts and the power of electric motors is required to be converted into wattsMachinery employed for nonagricultural purposes, such as the machines used in townshiprun and village-run industryconstructionnonagricultural transportscientific experiments and teaching, is excluded.

Labour Force Engaged in FarmingForestryAnimal Husbandry and Fishery refers to the total laborers who are directly engaged in production of farmingforestryanimal husbandry and fishery.