9-11b  Status of housing in towns by occupation of household heads
Occupation Number of Family Households  Number of Person of Family Households Number of Rooms per Family Household   Floor Space per Capita Number of Rooms per Capita
(Household) (Person) (Room/Household) (Square Metres/Person) (Room/person)
Total 5537545 17791788 3.30 32.92 1.03
Heads of Government Agencies, Party Agencies, Enterprises, Institutional Organizations 190932 592386 3.41 40.51 1.10
Professional Personnel 508876 1417965 2.98 36.61 1.07
Clerk and Related Personnel 379092 1099176 3.05 37.30 1.05
Employees in Commerce and Service Sectors 1114618 3426358 3.08 33.66 1.00
Emplyees in Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Sectors 1691782 6030126 3.85 31.82 1.08
People Operating the Manufacturing and Transportation Equipments and Related Personnel 1644230 5200584 3.03 30.90 0.96
Other Workers Not be Classified 8015 25193 3.16 32.27 1.01