9-9c   Family households in rural areas by occupation of household heads and source of houses
Unit: household
Occupation Total Renting  Low-rent Housing  Renting Other Housing Self-built House Purchasing Commodity House Purchasing Second-hand House Purchasing Economically Affordable Housing Purchasing Former Public-owned Building Others
Total 15125728 69458 370395 14220861 83629 114906 31391 61942 173146
Heads of Government Agencies, Party Agencies, Enterprises, Institutional Organizations 103947 1387 7251 82573 4209 1135 883 1368 5141
Professional Personnel 251895 4310 13359 184945 9949 3775 2395 6089 27073
Clerk and Related Personnel 131539 2131 10123 95955 5468 1590 1844 2980 11448
Employees in Commerce and Service Sectors 761582 14283 76278 620033 16723 10909 4041 5982 13333
Emplyees in Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Sectors 11518384 15405 34521 11257237 25141 76892 13550 33271 62367
People Operating the Manufacturing and Transportation Equipments and Related Personnel 2351224 31834 228470 1974099 22043 20504 8636 12097 53541
Other Workers Not be Classified 7157 108 393 6019 96 101 42 155 243