9-9a   Family households in cities by occupation of household heads and source of houses
Unit: household
Occupation Total Renting  Low-rent Housing  Renting Other Housing Self-built House Purchasing Commodity House Purchasing Second-hand House Purchasing Economically Affordable Housing Purchasing Former Public-owned Building Others
Total 8240586 250716 2364151 1289662 2239886 413808 373547 962361 346455
Heads of Government Agencies, Party Agencies, Enterprises, Institutional Organizations 478652 7898 88141 49814 219768 25767 20833 50257 16174
Professional Personnel 1220299 20927 190614 65822 532004 79950 72986 204455 53541
Clerk and Related Personnel 1006243 18253 158812 88363 391243 53998 59810 181415 54349
Employees in Commerce and Service Sectors 2376794 84216 907035 294337 587763 124216 86937 204737 87553
Emplyees in Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Sectors 398354 3681 21324 322449 22721 7620 5800 7110 7649
People Operating the Manufacturing and Transportation Equipments and Related Personnel 2745360 115189 994406 466183 482601 121479 126443 312745 126314
Other Workers Not be Classified 14884 552 3819 2694 3786 778 738 1642 875