9-9    Family households by occupation of household heads and source of houses
Unit: household
Occupation Total Renting  Low-rent Housing  Renting Other Housing Self-built House Purchasing Commodity House Purchasing Second-hand House Purchasing Economically Affordable Housing Purchasing Former Public-owned Building Others
Total 28893705 443480 3436974 18622963 3141402 739418 529669 1267306 712493
Heads of Government Agencies, Party Agencies, Enterprises, Institutional Organizations 773288 12493 116699 200879 284193 34535 29456 64693 30340
Professional Personnel 1980120 37291 247422 380137 716230 108208 100394 261283 129155
Clerk and Related Personnel 1516105 26648 198752 286158 532459 73112 81550 225233 92193
Employees in Commerce and Service Sectors 4250413 138340 1217841 1381938 815972 194329 114984 254916 132093
Emplyees in Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Sectors 13605860 27399 86504 13123621 82644 114907 27514 56507 86764
People Operating the Manufacturing and Transportation Equipments and Related Personnel 6737881 200397 1564240 3237657 704875 213028 174820 402437 240427
Other Workers Not be Classified 30038 912 5516 12573 5029 1299 951 2237 1521