3-1a   City population aged 6 and over by sex, status of school completion and educational attainment
Status of School completon Total  Primary School Junior Secondary School Senior Secondary School Junior College University Post Graduate
Total  Male Female Sub-total Male Female Sub-total Male Female Sub-total Male Female Sub-total Male Female Sub-total Male Female Sub-total Male Female
Total 35149051 17956635 17192416 5835919 2685048 3150871 12638883 6492730 6146153 8585216 4476707 4108509 4245652 2204863 2040789 3452311 1876432 1575879 391070 220855 170215
 On school 6346422 3303997 3042425 1970060 1066042 904018 1124190 600522 523668 1405309 725199 680110 725702 348758 376944 999533 503198 496335 121628 60278 61350
 Graduated 28074556 14312729 13761827 3490639 1472616 2018023 11276035 5763704 5512331 7097413 3704494 3392919 3499015 1844465 1654550 2443294 1367681 1075613 268160 159769 108391
 Undergraduate 302591 142266 160325 146267 56331 89936 109474 58628 50846 34907 20283 14624 7651 4430 3221 3896 2329 1567 396 265 131
 Discontinued 277891 128534 149357 169296 66895 102401 82102 45959 36143 23580 13919 9661 2169 1272 897 692 456 236 52 33 19
 Other 147591 69109 78482 59657 23164 36493 47082 23917 23165 24007 12812 11195 11115 5938 5177 4896 2768 2128 834 510 324