8-4    Status of housing by educational attainment of household heads
Education Attainment Number of Family Households  Number of Person of Family Households Number of Rooms per Family Household   Floor Space per Capita Number of Rooms per Capita
(Household) (Person) (Room/Household) (Square Metres/Person) (Room/person)
Total                      381541206 1196867943 3.10 30.41 0.99
No Schooling 17357594 46802026 2.91 30.66 1.08
Primary School 102831849 338326224 3.30 29.97 1.00
Junior Secondary School 169098800 554250724 3.21 29.50 0.98
Senior Secondary School 56197217 163836466 2.82 31.14 0.97
Junior College 21239915 55758534 2.57 34.77 0.98
Graduates 13386403 34286494 2.55 37.38 0.99
Post Graduates 1429428 3607475 2.52 39.49 1.00